Pokemon Project: Ekans

Several things kept this one from being done on time. I didn't have enough purple beads, and then I got the flu, and then I had other things to do. But thanks to a shopping trip and then the quarantine, I got to finish it after all.


I got the purple beads I needed, and some yellow for the Pikachu family I knew I would be making next. All of it came from Hobby Lobby, none of it from clearance.


For this one, I went back and used some beads from another project. The big black beads were from when I made my sister's friend a necklace based on her Dungeons and Dragons character, while the red beads are the last of the beads I bought for Charmander and later used for Butterfree. The yellow came from Beedrill and Pikachu.

Even though I'm fighting as much boredom as everyone else during this time, it's enough to get me back into blogging. I'm not usually an optimist, but that looks like a bright side to me.


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